Fitness Glo: Redefining the modern workout

A workout can be done at any place, at any time and at any level of comfort. It’s easy to forget this with our busy, hectic lives but it is true. Workouts can be done alone, with a partner or with la familia. The most important thing is to keep moving and keep making progress. Finding ways to make life more simple in the fitness aspect while still challenging your body is possible. In this digital age, there is a website for everything; even a virtual gym.


The online fitness website FitnessGlo is simplistic; attend virtual fitness classes wherever you are, at any level, using the fitness equipment you already have. Facil, no? You can workout with a favorite trainer, choose the duration, schedule a class to attend and create a workout “playlist” to organize your videos. Although a membership to the website isn’t free, the cost is only $12 a month, much less than a typical monthly gym membership with the convenience to workout anywhere.

Login and get started

Login and get started

As a runner, I don’t particularly enjoy group classes. I like to do things on my own, but I love the aspect of having a coach. With FitnessGlo, I was able to customize workouts to fit areas I wanted to focus on during my own time. With Spring just around the corner, I created an Abs playlist to isolate my core and gain strength.

Glorious Abs

My Glorious Abs playlist just in time for Spring trips

With all exercise programs, a good coach is essential to success. I need someone to hold me accountable and keep me motivated. Each coach has a variety of classes so you can choose your favorites and take classes that meet your needs, or you can mix and match and try them all. Picking workouts I wanted to do and creating playlists to incorporate multiple, quick classes let me be in charge of the workout and do exactly what I felt like doing.

Not quite a fitness model, but having a good time helps!

Not quite a fitness model, but having a good time helps!


For the first ever giveaway on The Healthy Latina blog, you can win a free 30 day membership to FitnessGlo and get your fitness on track when it’s most convenient for you! Comment below with one fitness goal you’re working toward this year and changes you’re making to reach it. One lucky entry will be randomly selected to win!

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this Campaign. All opinions are my own. 

Top 6 Latina health bloggers of 2012

Voxxi News just released their list of Top 6 Latina health bloggers of 2012! And guess who’s on the list??? The Healthy Latina! So honored to be mentioned with these other amazing bloggers and inspirational Latina women. 2012 has been a great year! Take a look and support these other great Latina health bloggers!

Latina blog

Creating new Holiday traditions

The year 2012 has been a year of overwhelming love, pain, heartbreak and joy. There have been moments this year that have not only tested the strength of my own family, but the families of others as well. We have watched the world change in so many ways and have seen so many tragedies this year that this holiday season is one to cherish. We may not have all of our family members with us; whether we’ve had to say goodbye or they will be out of town.  We may have new additions; friends, family and others to join in on our celebrations this year. Either way, now is the time to create new traditions that represent who we are now and bring together everyone we love for a celebration of life and love.

As we begin to count down the days until Christmas and New Years, the pressure to create a great holiday spread can be demanding. Finding ways to keep your dishes healthy this year is even more difficult. Channeling my inner Chef Pepín, I decided to take a shot at an avocado dish that’s been circulating the Pinterest-sphere for quite some time. I’ve seen them but doubted their ability to

  1. Hold the test of movement from milk-to-breading-to-pan-to-flipping
  2. Taste good
  3. Mix crunchy and creamy textures to where it’d be appetizing

I love avocados for their taste, but even more for the healthy fat and omega-3 that they provide. They are a filling and healthy addition to almost every meal in my house. Instead of the typical deep fried taquitos in my house, I wanted to try out this new dish and see how’d it hold up to the test of my “particularly good taste.”

I adapted this recipe from various Pinterest and Google versions I ran into. When I look at recipes, I look at what I can eliminate to where it’d be healthier and what I can change so don’t have to brave the crowded grocery stores for new ingredients. Fortunately, this one is easy and delicious using everything I already have on-hand.

Healthy, Crispy, Crunchy Avocado Fries with Lime Ranch Dipping Sauce


  • 1 Avocado by Avocados from Mexico
  • 1 Lime
  • 1/2 tsp Red Pepper Chili Flakes
  • 1/2 c Bisquick Heart Smart
  • 1/2 c Italian Bread Crumbs (I like the seasoning and use these for everything)
  • 1 c Milk
  • 1 c Ranch dressing
  • Olive oil


  •  In a medium pan, drizzle a generous helping of your favorite olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan and turn to medium heat.
  • Allow the pan to warm up while you cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and then cut again into long, thin slices 
  • Scoop out using a large spoon and separate individually and place onto a plate
  • For the breading mixture, take 1/2 c Bisquick Heart Smart and combine with 1/2 c Italian Bread Crumbs in a small bowl. Top with 1/4 tsp Red Pepper Chili Flakes and mix to combine evenly
  • In a small bowl, pour the milk and dip an avocado slice so it is completely submerged using a fork
  • Place the avocado slice in the breading mixture and coat evenly so it is entirely breaded
  • Using the fork, place the slice into the pan for 35-40 seconds on each side until breading is fried and golden and place on a plate
  • Repeat until all avocado slices are breaded and transfer to a cute dish
  • For the sauce, combine 1 c Ranch dressing  and squeeze half of the fresh lime over it and mix to combine completely. Add the rest of the Red Pepper Chili Flakes on top and stir in
  • Transfer to a cute bowl and serve. Be prepared for oohs and ahhs and be ready to make another batch if need be!

Appetizer serving size 2-4 people.

Avo2 Avo3 Avo4 Avo6 Avo7 Avo8 Avo10

This has been a sponsored post by Avocados from Mexico. All opinions are my own.

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Holiday Motivation

Winter is one of the darkest, coldest, “let’s just eat everything on that holiday platter and give Christmas cookies to everyone” times of year. Your time is split between finishing up the last projects at work before taking time off and scouring the stores to find the perfect gifts for everyone on your list. It seems impossible to stay motivated this time of year, but it can be done!

Getting motivated

The temperatures are dropping and it’s bad enough just running from the house to the car, but staying motivated in your exercise and diet plans is essential to success in the new year. While everyone is making resolutions for 2013, you’re still living out yours a year later with a fierce determination to continue.

There is power in visualizing your goals. Here are a few tips and pictures to keep you motivated and inspired for the rest of the season.

  • Wearing the right gear can make all the difference. Protect yourself from the elements and you’ll be more comfortable when working out in the cold weather.
Wearing the right gear can make all the difference. Protect yourself from the elements and you'll be more comfortable.

Photo via

  • Exercise indoors. When it’s just too cold or too dark to head outside, stay indoors and modify your workout. Focus on strength and circuit training.

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    Photo via

  • Reward yourself with a fitness-related Christmas present. When you have new goodies, you’ll get more use out of them.
Photo via

Photo via

  • Make exercise a family holiday event. There’s nothing quite like an impromptu dance party with all the family members. Gather around the tree and work off the desserts with some music and guaranteed laughter.
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    Photo via

    Merry Christmas everyone! Stay healthy this season!

New show on Tr3s inspires fitness among Latinos

There are very few media outlets that provide quality fitness programming, especially for Latinos. Empuje on Tr3s is a new TV show aimed at inspiring better fitness and healthier lives for young Latinos.

The episodes are narrated by Daisy Fuentes and air every Sunday at 11 a.m. EST featuring a young Latino who is desperate to change their exercise and eating habits. Past episodes include Gerard Piqué, FC Barcelona’s defender, Ary Nuñez, celebrity personal trainer and black belt guru, and Olympic gold medalist, Henry Cejudo.

Tune in and get inspired!

Have you had your flu shot?

With Holiday shopping in full swing, the first snowfall coming down and shorter days with giant to-do lists; gripe (influenza) season is back early and here to stay!  Although Abuelita’s famous flu tricks have worked in the past,  don’t let the flu slow you down. A flu vaccine is the best defense against all flu viruses.  Make sure you and your family get vaccinated this year to stay healthy and avoid getting or spreading the flu.

Thumbnail-Yo-me-vacuno-LOGO-contra la influenza

Who needs a flu shot?

Anyone over six months of age should receive a flu shot unless otherwise specified by their physician. The flu can make anyone sick, but some people have a higher risk of contracting the virus and are at a greater risk for complications like hospitalization to more serious conditions and even death. These groups include:

  • Adults 50 years of age and older
  • Children younger than five years of age, but especially younger than two
  • People with chronic lung disease (such as asthma and COPD), diabetes (types 1 and 2), heart disease, neurologic conditions, and certain other chronic conditions
  • Those who are morbidly obese (body-mass index of 40 or greater)
  • Pregnant women and women within the first two weeks after delivery

Did you know?

  • There is more than one type of Flu virus. The flu vaccine protects against the three viruses that research suggests will be most common this season. 
  • You should get vaccinated every year. You need to get vaccinated with this season’s vaccine; last’s season’s flu shot will no longer protect you.
  • Some flu seasons are worse than others. Between 1976 and 2006, yearly flu-related deaths in the United States ranged from 3,000 to 49,000 people.
  • An estimated 5 to 20 percent of the U.S. population is infected with the flu, and more than 200,000 people may be hospitalized during a flu season.

Where to get vaccinated

Many locations offer flu shots at a reasonable price, or even free. Visit your local physician, clinic, health department, pharmacy, college health center and workplace or school to get vaccinated.

Keep you and your family health and safe this flu season. Get your flu vaccination today.

This post was sponsored by the National Influenza Vaccination Disparities Partnership.

The running revolution

Last month I had the pleasure of participating in the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco, California. Growing up, I always had the dream of running in the Nike Women’s half marathon after learning you were given a Tiffany’s necklace at the finish line. Being a young lady who wasn’t able to afford anything from Tiffany’s, this seemed like the ultimate way to obtain it. Run a little. Get a reward in that infamous little robin’s egg blue box. It was perfect!

After training for months on end, day after day, the weekend finally came! I have a friend who lives in San Francisco, so in addition to running with me, I had a place to stay and my own personal tour guide!

RUN Sexy

I love running, but I didn’t realize how many women love running just as much as I do, if not more. I have days where I hate it and I don’t want to lace up my shoes and step on the treadmill, but I also have days where I can’t imagine where I’d be without it. There’s something beautiful about pushing your body to the limit and giving yourself that time to let your mind wander.

I can resolve any issue during a run. Whether it’s a day-to-day problem or a full-blown issue, I gain perspective and have time to think. I eat better because of running. I know what I need to cut out of my diet and what I need to add to it and when. My clothes fit better. I think clearer. I’m happier.

The day before the race, we ran to the beach!

So when 26,000 women gather for a race, you can imagine the type of energy in that space! They’ve all been counting down the days on their training plans, skipping late nights for early morning runs and fueling up with the healthiest foods to keep them in prime race condition.

Photo via NWM26.2 Facebook Page

Overall, the race was one of the most mentally, physically and emotionally trying experiences of my life! The powerful feeling after crossing the finish line was enough to make me realize how resilient and invincible I can be. I realized that I have power within me and the potential to rise to any occasion.

The gorgeous prize

Empower yourself. If you haven’t participated in a race, I highly recommend starting off with a mile walk/run or 5k race and then challenging yourself for a further distance. Join the fun with a racing buddy and start your own running revolution!

Breast Cancer and Latinas

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Latina women in the United States. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Latinas everywhere are encouraged to learn more about breast cancer prevention.

According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Latina women have the greatest risk among American women for late diagnosis and mortality as a result of breast cancer. When the cancer is detected in a later stage, there is a greater chance the patient will die from it as it may easily spread to other areas.

Focus on Prevention

As a result of Health Care Reform, starting in 2013, women in the United States will have greater accessibility to preventive health care services, including mammograms and women’s wellness exams. For women over the age of 40, mammograms are usually covered free under insurance plans. With health care reform, women over 40 will receive this preventive service at no additional cost. Women over 40 should receive a mammogram every year. Women ages 20 and above should receive a clinical breast exam every 3 years and every year starting at age 40.

Mammogram basics

Your first mammogram can be a scary experience if you don’t know what to expect. A mammogram is an X-ray image of your breasts to screen for breast cancer.  It is an essential exam to early detection of breast cancer.

According to the Mayo Clinic, during the exam, your breasts are compressed between two firm surfaces to spread out breast tissue. The X-ray then takes black and white images your doctor will evaluate for screening or diagnosis purposes.

At your exam, you will be asked to remove any neck jewelry and clothing from the waist up. To make this easier, avoid wearing a dress and stick with a two-piece outfit.

The technician will then adjust the X-ray machine to your height and place your breast on the X-ray surface. They may adjust your arms and waist a bit to get an accurate reading. You will feel pressure and will be asked to hold your breath and remain still as the machine spreads out your breast tissue and takes the X-ray image. This is then repeated for the next breast.

The exam will usually take less than 30 minutes and then you’re all set to get re-dressed and head out the door. Each facility is different when it comes to waiting for results. Ask your technician when you can expect to see your results and follow up with your doctor.

Self-breast exam

Performing periodic self-breast exams will help you detect any potentially cancerous lumps or growths that may cause concern. Check out the National Breast Cancer Foundation page for a step-by-step process for completing a self-breast exam.

History of breast cancer

If you have a history of breast cancer in your family, you need to be proactive and conduct routine self-breast exams as well as mammograms at an earlier age. Inform your doctors of the prevalence and history in your family so they will know what to look out for.

Where to receive a free or low-cost mammogram

Throughout the year, many locations offer free or reduced mammogram services.  Check out the Susan G. Komen website for low-cost or free mammograms in your area. The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program  also offers breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic services to low-income, uninsured, and underinsured women across the United States.

In the month of October, take the time to encourage your sisters, mothers, grandmothers and friends to receive a screening and help prevent breast cancer.

Latina Teen Suicide Rates On the Rise – What You Need to Know

Here’s my latest article for Latina magazine on Latina suicide and depression rates. I was blindly unaware of what’s happening within the Latina community and I hope we can begin the discussion on how we can all make a difference. We need to focus on our relationships with our teens: sisters, daughters and neighbors, and let them know we are there for support and love. Please share this with anyone you know who is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide.